Thursday, August 16, 2018

French shrimp land

This world is pretty cool to visit but not to live in. The reason for that is the tendency the people of French shrimp land have to be dumb,  I’m not even kidding.

The people  actually look different and not at all like a shrimp, their skin color is different; red, blue, pink, grey, orange, and purple…they are quite scary, with their eyes coming out of their skin. I had to disguise myself as a turtle just in case they they found out that my kind ate their brothers…

They live underwater of course and they have weird monuments,  around 2,628 monuments one to each Mayor they had in each town sooooh…yeaaahh….!

Anyways... I felt uncomfortable and thought the place was very fishy :boom boom tsh!
The main reason I would not like to live there? you ask...
The sharks! They surround their borders on all sides. That is why its hard to get in, I sent them some sea horses to protect them,  they're fine now. 
From: the land explorer
                                                                   Number: 4                        

unicorny studios                                                                                                                                                           

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Rock land

This world is quite strange. their houses are made of... how did you guess it? Rock! 
The people: they’re not made of stone they’re duplicates of the famous actor The Rock! One thing I found out of order was their food, they had carrots, cucumbers, ham, and cake … Everything we had to eat: but where did they get it from! Did they fart it out or something! 
Now for their monument; It was the word "Disney" in big. I asked a fellow tourist why, he said he was pretty sure it was because the actor worked for Disney. I didn’t like staying here because the people would treat you like poopL I’m not saying that the real rock would do this, but the 'hims' of this world did!          

From: the world explorer,Z.H. babi the monkey

.Btw I said I would write this blog once every 2 weeks but I’ve realized that I have a lot more time then I thought I would, so, I’ll post more oftenJ.  


Friday, August 10, 2018

Game land

                  This world I found was very happy and bright. Everybody is very friendly! The people had marbles as heads 

Barbie like bodies. Their houses were strange; they were made of water proof game boxes! They don’t need to eat they feed off of the pleasure and happiness the games bring them.

 I’ve visited their monument it’s the UNO of libertyJ!

that was a funny experience! I eventually discovered that not everyone was happy in this playful “game full” land under the sea about 1000 miles north there was a tribe that feed off sadness and fear. Since they were opposites I organized a meeting with the king of the playful side and eventually decided to protect them I sent fierce unicorny guards to the boarder and then left. It has been quite the adventure.
                                           From the world explorer
                                                 Z.H. The monkey


Thursday, August 9, 2018

The world explorer

This is a brand new series that will be brought to you by babi the monkey, Zarah. The way this works is she goes to imaginary land buys a ticket to a world and tell you about the strangest object , rooms monuments ,people…that she sees. She will introduce a new world every 1-2 weeks depending how much time and money for the world I hope you enjoy
If you wish to go to world she explored keep the number of the world (it will be displayed at the bottom of the page) show it to her and she will tell you the precautions  and what you need to take when going there .By the way we will not be featuring known worlds because there already  allot of info about those
                                                      Bye until next time
From unicorny studios

***This Blog is written by Z. Harts. A ten year old girls with a lot of imagination. be kind in your comments. Thank you